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Women's Booties

Cute name, hot shoe—booties are the perfect way to elevate your look when you want something a little different. Ankle booties can step up any look, from a tunic with leggings to a mini  skirt. Booties can go from warm to cool weather easily, and a variety of heel heights mean they are the perfect companion to both dressy and casual looks.

Platform Booties

Need a boost? Platform booties give you all the height with none of the stress.  With platform booties, you have the option of a heel or a flat platform base—both options giving you a lift while providing various styling options. Platform booties can be the perfect fit for trudging through the gray winter months—or for strolling down the sidewalk in the sun.

Lug Sole Booties

Perfect for an edgier look or for dressing up a pair of jeans, lug sole booties offer both top-notch tread and a punch of style. Whether you prefer a professional look (with a matte finish and a tan or black sole) or a shiny finish that draws attention, lug sole booties offer plenty of options to help you create the look that you want.

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